Here's the list of things needed:
1) Futon for naps
2) Document bag (20cm x 26 cm) with shoulder strap
3) Book bag (30cm x 40cm)
4) Clothes bag (35cm x 40cm) with a pocket in the front
5) School bag (no specific size, but will need to be big enough to fit lunch box, cups, chopstick case, handtowel case, and toothbrush shet)
Typical book bag
Typical school bag
Lunch set:
6) Lunch box (must be aluminum so food can be heated) with lunchbox bag (must make 2-3 bags)
7) Spoon and chopsticks
8) Handtowel
9) 2 cups (1 for drinking and 1 for gargling) and cup bags (2-3 bags)
10) toothbrush
Typical lunchbox (bento) bag
11) 2-3 sets of change of clothes
12) indoor shoes and outdoor shoes and a shoe bag
That's about it!
So, I asked Mother-in-law to teach me how to operate a sewing machine today so I can start making bags for my daughter. It was my first time to even touch a sewing machine, but it actually is pretty amazingly simple to use. I didn't do a very good job with the stitches, but it held, so I'm happy about that. It took a lot of concentrating, but it was pretty fun and it's very satisfying to hold a handmade product (made by yourself!) in your hands. The best part is knowing that I'm making this wih love for my daughter.
Some great school bags
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