Friday, March 26, 2010

Many endings ... but are there any new beginnings?

On Wednesday, the language school I was teaching part-time at had a end-of-school-year/goodbye party for me. I had decided to call it quits when the boss pretty much treated me like a used rug and I don't see the point of tolerating it anymore. That was one ending (and boy, it was extremely liberating to say "hell no!" for once!) Yesterday, one of the mommies from the playgroup stopped by and we discussed about discontinuing our playgroup. I had the idea of starting an English playgroup for my daughter when she was 1 year old, and a few Japanese mommies joined. It turned out to be a wreck (in my opinion) with the Japanese mommies trying to get their kids to join in when the kids (2 years older than mine) were very obviously unhappy about being there. The group consists of mainly boys, so there was also a lot of fighting and yelling and most of our "play" time turned into trying to deal with fights, crying and outbursts. So, with a couple of our members moving away, we decided to just discontinue, which was a huge relief for me. That was another ending.

There is one new beginning: my daughter is going off to nursery school in April. My mother-in-law (who lives with us) was asking if I was going to try to get a job. I don't quite know how to explain to her (or to anyone else who asked), but I really would like to try my hand at blogging, online writing and maybe affiliate marketing (which I will have to study up on when I have more time). Whenever I sit in front of the computer, MIL (mother-in-law) assumes I'm just goofing off. Hubby seems a bit more understanding and semi-supportive of my new endeavor, but I have a feeling he'd rather I get a "real" paying job.

I plan to work on this for about a year or so and see how it turns out and if there might be any future in it for me. If not, I suppose I will have to look for employment elsewhere. That, or have another baby ... which is a whole different issue.

Anyway, I tend to believe the saying that "when God closes a door, He opens a window." Somehow, I do feel that these are signs by God telling me to do something else. I guess it's up to me to find what that something else is.

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