Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CNN's news coverage

Oh, The Shock!! Horrors of Horror!!! According to the majority of my Thai friends on Facebook, CNN's news coverage of the protests in Thailand (Bangkok) was biased and Dan Rivers had no *bleeping* clue what he was talking about. My Thai friends are joining facebook groups with titles like "You are clearly only watching the biased coverage from CNN" and "We want more informed reporting from Dan Rivers and CNN" *Yawn* Jeez, my Thai friends. Where have you been hiding all this time? The mainstream media in the US, and I dare say most media in all countries around the world, are biased. They all have their own agenda. Do my Thai friends honestly think that CNN (and other media) have been reporting unbiased and accurate news all this time, but then all of a sudden out of the blue, started reporting biased news?

I did reply in the comments on their statuses to that effect. Oddly (or not), no one has yet to make any kind of replies to my comments.

Of course, we all should be demanding for accuracy and honest reporting from the media. That should already be the news media's job and their number one priority and the people deserve to be better informed. However, CNN is not the only culprit here and this news about the protests in Thailand is not the only biased news the media has ever reported. I hope my friends realize the reality of that.

I say we start demanding CNNNBCABCFOXCBS and other acronyms to start doing their job right. However, I think that in the end, it is us the people who will have to discern for ourselves what is truly going on in the world.

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